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©1998-2024 Irmgard & Siegfried R. H. Hartmeyer -
Last update 2025 March 3
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Our movies are non-profit productions to promote the knowledge on CP in an entertaining and science-based fashion.

All photos/videos are
protected by copyright.

Dionaea Timelapse_Thumb2
Venus Flytrap:
1-Year Timelapse !!
Steve's last Dionaea project.

Dionaea Beutefang
Prey Capture by the
Venus Flytrap

Dionaea - ant - documentary
sort out
small animals

Online on BIOLOGY

Jan Schlauer, Andreas Fleischmann, Siegfried R. H. Hartmeyer, Irmgard Hartmeyer and Heiko Rischer.

The still young history of catapulting sundews.
Katapultierende Sonnentau_Thumb
English subtitles provided.

Invasive Spider:
in Weil am Rhein

Zoropsis spinimana - Artikel Weiler Zeitung 10.9.22

(Zoropsis spinimana, also Nosferatu spider) in Weil am Rhein. Weiler Zeitung, Oberbadisches Volksblatt und Markgräfler Tageblatt 10.9.2022.

Carnivorous Plant Videos
YouTube Button (173)

Simply click on the thumbs and watch it on YouTube.

Siggi mit Stefan Raab bei TV total (2002)
Siggi at TV total

ICPS Vienna 2024

Kupfer gegen Tigermücken_Thumb
Russian Bear in the CP-Garden

WCPD - Ingenious Traps
Ingenious Traps.
Our Film for the WCPD.

Nepenthes pervillei_Thumb
Nepenthes pervillei: Rotating inflorescence.

Nepenthes reinwardtiana_Thumb
Nepenthes reinwardtiana:
Sexy Eyes!

Bananen, Hagel, Mimose & Karnivoren_Thumb
Bananas, Hail, Mimosa & CP

Marokko 1978
1st movie. Morocco 1978.

Mice trap

Amano Shrimps vs. Algae

Mantis versus Sceliphron

Muskelprotz Katapultfalle_Thumb
Muscleman Catapult Trap

Die Chemie der Sonnentau_Thumb
The Chemistry of Sundews

Vegetarische Karnivoren
Vegetarian Carnivores

Tipps zum Filmen von Schnelltentakeln
The Function of Snap-Tentacles
Ontogenese_Drosera glanduligera
Drosera glanduligera Catapult-Ontogenesis

Drosera rotundifolia Tentakel-Dimorphismus
D. rotundifolia
Tentacle Dimorphism

Drosera hartmeyerorum
Drosera hartmeyerorum

Catapults in Pygmyland

Catapulting Pygmy Drosera

ICPS World Conference Tokyo 2002
Drosera hartmeyerorum
Emergences as
residual light amplifiers

Nepenthes unter UV-Licht
Fluorescent CP Traps

Utricularia vulgaris Thumb
The European Bladderworts (Utricularia)

The Motion of
T2 Sundew Tentacles

Nepenthes truncata mit Maus
N. truncata Eats Four Mice
Publication in "Das Taublatt"

EEE Leiden
EEE 2007 in Leiden (NL)

by Brian Barnes.

Rob Cantley mit Nepenthes truncata black
Filming at
Borneo Exotics

in Sri Lanka.

DVD       YouTube
Publication in "Das Taublatt"

Byblis cf. filifolia x liniflora
Die Byblishybride
B. filifolia x B. liniflora

Publikation in CPN    YouTube

Byblis Kultivar Goliath
Pulvinus and Movement
in Byblis

YouTube 1     YouTube 2

Amorphophallus konjac
Amorphophallus konjak
flowere (1,86 m)
in time lapse.

Tsunami 2004 Thumb
The Big 2004 Tsunami
in Sri Lanka

NEPAL 1981_Thumb
Nepal 1981

Cephalotus in situ 1991
Cephalotus follicularis in situ

Fleischfresser auf dem Blocksberg
Carnivores on the "Blocksberg"

Aldrovanda vesiculosa Schweiz
The Waterwheel Trap Aldrovanda in Switzerland

Enzymtest deutsch
Enzym Test with Photo Film

Heliamphora Playlist
On CP-tour with
Stewart McPherson (Playlist)

Triphyophyllum peltatum deutsch
Triphyophyllum peltatum
in Sierra Leone

Nepenthes pervillei
at the Seychelles

ICPS World Conference Tokyo 2002
The ICPS World Conference
2002 in Tokyo

The ant massacre
The Ant Massacre

(Stylidium species)

newHD Zeichen  Last upload 2025 March 2
Dinosaurs escape from Jurassic World Basel

Saurier-Alarm in Basel_Thumb-2_new

We were looking forward to an exciting day with dinosaurs when we visited JURASSIC WORLD BASEL. With a special ticket, which is not available to the public, we experienced dangerous predatory dinosaurs up close in one of the famous gyrospheres in the huge outdoor area. We had no idea that a cygomorph would break out .

newHD Zeichen  Upload 2024 December 14
20 Years Boxing Day Tsunami
Boxing Day Tsunami 2004_Thumb_new

After 20 years, this film is intended to commemorate the catastrophic tsunami of December 26, 2004 in the Indian Ocean. Newly created time-lapse footage, AI-generated scenes and, for the first time, details of our harrowing flight home complete the first documentary from 2004. 20 years later, we still get goosebumps when we see these pictures. In December 2024, short excerpts from our recordings were also shown on TERRA X History (ZDF).
AI-generated scenes by Norberto Navarro Valiente / via Pixabay.

new How to grow Triphyophyllum peltatum
How to grow Triphys
The largest carnivorous plant on earth.
Bilingual: English & German subtitles provided.

Adventures with Carnivorous Plants in Australia:
2001 - Carnivorous Plant Maniacs in Down Under.

In the final part of our trilogy we find many carnivorous plants with Kirstie Wulf and Greg Bourke in Sydney and the Blue Mountains. More with Trevor Hannam in Cairns, and Drosera schizandra in the jungles of Mount Bartle Frere. In Port Douglas, we are invited to the blues evenings at the Court House Hotel and dive on the Barrier Reef. In the Kimberley CP-paradise near Kununurra, we film an undescribed sundew. Dr. Jan Schlauer explains its special features to us after our return. At the end of 2001 he described and published the new species as Drosera hartmeyerorum. An hour full of exciting experiences in search of carnivorous plants. It doesn't get much more adventurous than that!

1995 - Destination Carnivorous Plants
Reiseziel Insektivoren 1995
Our 2nd Australian adventure leads to exciting discoveries of sundews
and bugs. Trevor Hannam guides us in the realm of the poisonous
Taipans to the - at that time still only described in Down Under -
Nepenthes mirabilis. A MUST for Australia fans.

1991 - Beautiful and Hungry!
Australien Tour 1990/91
Let us take you on an adventurous journey through Down Under. Exciting entertainment not only for CP-friends.
Featuring Allen Lowrie, Marilyn Minon and Trevor Hannam.

Copper foil to fight Tiger Mossies
Russischer Bär im Karnivorengarten_Thumb
Here are the results of our experiments with copper foil
in summer 2023.

Devil's Claws are Bug-Plants. A Spontaneous Mutualism.

Probiscidea & Dicyphus_Thumb
European Mirids on American Plants.

Drosera glanduligera in Guinness World Records 2021

Diva-Guinness_New Year

Today we are of course especially happy about the entry of "our" Diva into the Guinnes World Records 2021. The photo also shows the important players: On the top left the photo of Richard Davion, who was the first to report about the fast catapults. The right photo shows Dr. Simon Poppinga, group leader in the Plant Biomechanics Group at the University of Freiburg, who, in collaboration with the Hartmeyers, measured the fabulous 75 ms for a capture with a high-speed camera and coined the name catapult-flypaper trap. While exchanging data with a colleague, the latter was so impressed that he submitted the "Diva" and the Bladderworts to Guinness as a record-breaker ... and this was accepted.
A great story.

Speed Contest_Thumb
The fastest carnivorous plants show what they are able to do.
A very special competition.

Symbiotic bugs living on carnivorous plants in tropical Australia

Symbiotic bugs YouTube Thumb

HD ZeichenYouTube Button
Predatory mirid bugs form biological communities with different sticky carnivorous plants. Such a symbiosis with Roridula and Pameridea bugs was first described from South Africa by the German botanist Rudolf Marloth in 1902. About half a century later, Lloyd (1942) and China (1953) reported on Setocoris and Cyrtopeltis bugs living on Byblis gigantea and some Drosera near Perth (Southwest Australia). In 1995, Irmgard and I were very fortunate to film and publish four of such mutualisms for the first time on tropical Byblis and Drosera in Northern Australia. On three journeys, we spent more than six months in Australia to capture news on carnivorous plants on film and found luckily even a not described sundew. As a positive consequence, our movies and articles on the discoveries found the interest of acknowledged scientists, and led to an invitation to hold a video lecture at the National Science Museum in Tokyo, Japan. That was both, a great honor and a confirmation of the relevance of our work. This film contains excerpts from our original footage and comments; however, remastered (includes English subtitles) as a brief entertaining (HD) summary on the bug - carnivorous plant mutualisms in tropical Australia.

The first publication of the mutualisms that we discovered on our video-tour through Northern Australia took place even in 1995 in the Bulletin of the Australien Carnivorous Plant Society (ACPS). A detailed description of the phenomenon followed in 1996, including a those days painstakingly collected listing of the systematics of mirid bugs (Diciphini), which live on sticky carnivores. Once again synchronically published in the German and English language in Das Taublatt Heft 27 (jetzt als PDF) and the Bulletin der ACPS Volume 15.

The Realm of Emergences: Drosera Sektion Arachnopus
Thumb GB Realm of Emergences

HD ZeichenYouTube Button
The Realm of Emergences shows the history and the currently most detailed description of the spider leg sundews (section Arachnopus) by their different emergences in an entertaining fashion. With D. hartmeyerorum, Dr. Jan Schlauer split the first species from D. indica for its unique morphology in 2001. Criticized by some experts at that time, today we can say with certainty that the plants in this section can actually be distinguished by their emergences, even if their function is often not known. Only the characteristics of the emergences of D. hartmeyerorum have been unequivocally proven. They function as optical lenses, which light up bright yellow even under a red laser beam. In D. cucullata we find structures that appear like ant abdomens and when the German couple Holger & Anja Hennern discovered a sundew with ice-lolly emergences in 2008, even the experts were amazed. These and further emergences that appear even more fascinating beneath the microscope help to identify the plants that have been distinguished from D. indica so far.
This film enables you to recognize the featured plants easily.

Untangling The Indian Sundew Muddle
Der Indische Sonnentau

HD ZeichenYouTube Button
Even in 1753, Linnaeus described the Indian Sundew (Drosera indica) officially. In our film, we are especially happy to show the herbal records that existed at that time with the kind permission by the Trustees of the Natural History Museum London (GBR) and the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden (NLD). Despite their different appearance, between 1753 to 2001 all spider leg sundews ( section DroseraArachnopus) occuring from Africa over Asia to Australia were identified as D. indica. Some early attempts to assign plants as separate species, such as by Planchon in 1848, failed because the distinguishing characteristics were not considered sufficient and/or reliable.

Eventually in 2017, we were able to examine also the micromorphology of the "real" D. indica and found emergences, which were obviously misinterpreted and/or ignored in the existing literature. Until today, the spider leg sundews are often confused and therefore incorrectly labeled in botanical gardens as well as private collections. With our film "Untangling the Indian Sundew Muddle" we hope to be helpful to assign D. indica correctly. We are very grateful for the kind support by taxonomy expert Dr. Jan Schlauer, for the provision of seeds from the "real" D. indica by Gideon Lim and the photos of D. barrettiorum by Holger & Anja Hennern.

Publications and videos on the fascinating catapult-flypaper trap

Cover Blu-ray: Das Katapult der Diva
Our documentary on the catapult-flypaper-trap derives from a common project with the
Plant Biomechanics Group of the Botanic Garden of the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg.

In September 2012 our filmlet for the PLOS ONE article Catapulting Tentacles in a Sticky Carnivorous Plant  became
Video of the week by the German magazine Bild der Wissenschaft.
D. glanduligera table
Our documentation "The Diva's Catapult"

The Diva's Catapult - YouTube

>Publikation on PLOS ONE<        

Press Release of the University Freiburg

International Press Responds

Katapult-Leimfalle Kurzfilm

Short film: The catapult-flypaper trap in action.
Prey capture in a nutshell on YouTube.

Cover Auf Karnivorentour DEpub On CP-tour with Stewart McPherson

Stew's trips to the Tepuis of Venezuela and their fascinating fauna and flora. A collaboration with the famous author of CP-books, who kindly provided us his raw film-footage for the editing and production of this documentary. We show all species of Heliamphora (described until 2010).

DVD description

The English movie as playlist on YouTube

CP-books and more by Stewart McPherson

Schnelltentakel und Landescheinwerfer
: Snap-tentacles and Runway Lights.

Our examinations on sundew tentacles from 1994 to 2010.

YouTube   Drosera glanduligera

Publication in CPN  General view with microscope pictures

Foto TVtotal 2002 Pro7-TV
Siggi Hartmeyer's
performance at TV total.

Click on the photo or text to view the broadcast on
YouTube Button.

Comedy meets Carnivorous Plants.

Germany's popular entertainer Stefan Raab questioned Siggi on "the personal sensitivities of carnivorous plants".

A very special lesson. Here is much room for a lot of laughter.

More informationen at our page "The Hartmeyers on TV".

TV-Broadcast: Planet Wissen 14.08.2015: "Pflanzen wie wir."
On air via the TV-stations SWRARD-alphaWDR, 1-plus, HR, RBB

"Neue Sicht auf unsere grünen Mitgeschöpfe"
with technology writer Volker Arzt.
Katapult-LeimfallePlants can do much more than most people think. Plants lure and lie, they warn and defend themselves, and they know how to orienteer. With each new study, botanists discover more fascinating skills. For example, plants are able to distinguish colors and smells. They communicate with each other and with animals. They recognize who is feeding on them and react with precisely tailored defense strategies. The guest on Planet Wissen is nature filmmaker and journalist Volker Arzt, who succeeded in making an award-winning film with "Kluge Pflanzen" (Clever Plants).

Expert consultant is the famous technology writer Volker Arzt, who talks about the making of his documentary and book "Kluge Pflanzen" (Clever Plants). It was a pleasure to provide some film fooltage  for "Planet Wissen" (English: planet knowledge).

Volker Arzt mailed us: "The editorial staff "caught fire" after looking at your clips on the internet ..."

The warmly recommended book by Volker Arzt: For everybody who is looking for more information on the defensive strategies and the sensoric performance of plants. It provides a plain, thrilling and entertaining insight into modern plant research. Enclosed is a DVD with two film documentaries!

Kluge Pflanzen by Volker Arzt. C. Bertelsmann, 2009 - ISBN: 978-3570010266.

On May 15, 2022, our papers on RESEARCHGATE achieved >10,000 reads.
January 2025: 15,000.

June 22, 2022, our videos on YouTube Buttonreceived 2 million views.
January 2025: 2,29 Millions.

In Decemberi 2024, the views for our tsunami documentary from 2004 exceeded half a million.
Many thanks for the interest!

Get the link to our not listed new film by PN or e-mail:
Siggi & Irmgard privat: Review1978
(English subtitles provided)
Review 1978 Thumb

NEW Button animiert
CPN 48/4 2019
Overview of our published
articles and related reports.

Springschwanz in Drosera callistos
Our 175 videos on YouTube Button
A complete overview with brief descriptions.

NEW Button animiert
A Greenhorn Naturalist in Borneo - Cover

A Greenhorn Naturalist in Borneo by Hans Breuer.
A review by
Siegfried R. H. Hartmeyer (2024). Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Vol. 53/2: 115-117.

Now online as PDF!
(German language)

Cover Gezeitenwechsel im Hochharz

Tidal changes in the
High Harz Mountains

A family from the town of Benneckenstein experiences the Nazis, the Second World War, the escape from the GDR and the new beginning in the German Federal Republic until the reunification. True experiences between 1937 and 2000, told by contemporary witness Christa Hartmeyer.

Drosera hartmeyerorum
Our CP-collection
(topic list with photos)
Samen Drosera serpens
plants & seeds

Recommended Videos
 HD ZeichenYouTube Button
Springschwänze & Sonnentau_Thumb
Springtails and Sundews

Nepenthes reinwardtiana_Thumb
Nepenthes reinwardtiana:
Sexy Eyes!

Hartmeyer's Vulkantour 1980
Recommended for all friends.

Hartmeyers Vulkantour 1980

CP-Special Show  at a Trade Fair in Lörrach (Germany).  1998 - 1999 - 2010 - 2014

English Translation of
All green - and later
no longer there ...

Cover NWZ 11/22 

Filming in Benneckenstein (Harz) inspirired Video for WCPD 2022.

Neue Wernigeröder Zeitung (NWZ) – Harzer Wochenblatt. Verlag Jüttners Buchhandlung.

English Translation of
"Von Benneckenstein in die Welt der Fleischfresser":

From Benneckenstein to
the world of carnivores.
Cover NWZ
An Interview by journalist Jürgen Kohlrausch with Siggi Hartmeyer. Published in the
Neue Wernigeröder Zeitung.
! Here multimedia
with active links !

Catapulted into Guinness World Records 2021.

Weiler Zeitung - Diva in Guinness 2021Online: Article in the Oberbadischen Zeitung,  Markgräfler Tageblatt and Weiler Zeitung on the entry of the catapult-flypaper trap Drosera glanduligera in
Guinness World Records 2021.

YouTube Button
The Real Plant of Prey Thumb
Always fascinating:
The "Predator Sundew"
in action.
A minute that's worth it.

HD ZeichenYouTube Button
Catapults in Pygmyland
Catapults  in Pygmyland

Amazing results: Pygmy sundews capture minute prey like springtails with rapid catapult action. Our experiments for this film (English subtitles) show that Drosera glanduligera is not longer the only sundew with a catapult-flypaper trapping mechanism. Also the snap-tentacles of several pygmy Drosera act with the speed of a closing Venus flytrap and fling walking prey from the periphery of the plant onto its sticky leaf. Therefore they turn out to be actually comparable with the amazing Drosera glanduligera, however, their catapults are multifunctional and possess a mechanism to avoid unessential movement: Like the Venus Flytrap. Under our microscope we examined 22 Drosera and received surprising results. 

The article about the film

CPN Cover
Several pygmy Sundew species possess catapult-flypaper traps with repetitive function,
indicating a possible evolutionary change into 
aquatic snap traps similar to Aldrovanda.

Siegfried R. H. Hartmeyer and Irmgard Hartmeyer (2015). Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Vol. 44/4:172-184.

Zoropsis spinimana

Zoropsis spinimana:
An invasive spider.

D. glanduligera snap-tentacle head 3D. glanduligera snap-tentacle head 4D. glanduligera snap-tentacle straight 2D. glanduligera snap-tentacle triggered 2
Drosera Schnelltentakel

In 2009 we upgraded our documentary on snap-tentacles for a CP-project at the University Würzburg. This has been uploaded to YouTube in the German language (click on pictures).

Dionaea muscipula Aktionspotenzial Messung
Award of the Robert Bosch Stiftung: for a Dionaea project in Berlin.


Irmgard mit T-Rex

Cover Gezeitenwechsel im Hochharz
"Gezeitenwechsel im Hochharz"
a book by
Christa Hartmeyer

Minikino Sonderschau Fleischfressende Pflanzen
The catapultflypaper trap
in the public

The amazing catapulting of prey by the catapult-flypaper trap was our key-issue at the Regio-Messe Lörrach (trade fair) 2014. In  September the famous technology writer Volker Arzt presented it for the first time on TV (Planet Wissen, ARD).

The amazing "prey flinging" of a catapult-flypaper trap was for the first time presented to a wide public in the "CP-Cinema" at the Regio Messe
Lörrach 2014.

HD Zeichen  YouTube ButtonByblis&Lindernia: Motion&Enzyme Tests
Byblis is motile
... and Lindernia?

A highlight for CP-enthusiasts! In 2018, first videos by Dr. Gregory Allan (GB) on Facebook showed an active motion of Byblis trichomes. However, the topic literature describes the carnivorous genus as immobile. To review that behavior, we made own time lapse shots with a microscope that turned out to be surprisingly even for ourselves.

They confirm clearly that the unicellular trichome stalks show an active motion down to the leaf surface after being touched by prey. Therefore, we looked up again the work of some CP pioneers like Charles Darwin (1875) or C.A. Fenner (1904), and included their findings and assumptions on Byblis complemented with excerpts from Dr. Gregory Allan's first shots (with his kind permission). In addition, we examined the related Lindernia cleistandra (all Lamiales) that likewise occurs in tropical Australia and that is like Byblis densly covered with glandular trichomes. However, its state regarding carnivory is yet unclear. We complemented the time lapse shots with an enzyme test, which we used even in 2010 to detect digestive enzymes in Byblis filifolia. Well, just view this film and you will know more about these interesting plants.

We would like to express our thanks to Dr. Gregory Allan, Dr. Jan Schlauer as well as Holger und Anja Hennern for their kind support during the making of this film.

Nepenthes mirabilis var globosa
Overview of our photo pages


Recommended links