Blu-ray Disc (HD) € 20,- / DVD (Standard) € 15,-
+ postage/Porto: € 2,- Germany / € 4,- world-wide
Info for our friends in the USA:
Our DVD (Standard-Resolution) plays world-wide (verified in Australia,
Europe, USA), however, the High Definition (HD) technology is still developing. The
HD Blu-ray Disc may cause problems to play on some players in
the USA, due to partly differing systems and softwares. We do our very
best to solve these problems soon and we'll keep you informed.
However, due to this situation we recommand our US-friends to
order the DVD until further notice.

Sarracenia, Pinguicula & Drosera in
Alabama (Splinter Hill Bog) and the Florida Panhandle. Conservation by
prescribed fire and threats by poaching. CP in Central Florida
endangered by drought (climate change). Conservation with in-vitro
produced plants. We visit the AG3 TC-Lab and nursery in Eustis,
Florida. Experience the smokin' guitar player Brian Barnes (ICPS
director of conservation) who guided us to the "Endangered Gems".
Sarracenia, Pinguicula & Drosera in
Alabama (Splinter Hill Bog) und dem Florida Panhandle. Naturschutz
durch kontrolierte Feuer und die Bedrohung durch Wilderei. Karnivoren
in Zentralflorida, die durch zunehmende Dürren (Klimawandel)
bedroht sind. Naturschutz durch In-Vitro produzierte Pflanzen. Wir
besuchen das AG3 Zellkulturlabor mit Gärtnerei in Eustis,
Florida. Erleben Sie den exzellenten Gitarrenspieler Brian Barnes (ICPS
Verantwortlicher für den Naturschutz), der uns auf unseren
Ausflügen zu den "Gefährdeten Juwelen" führte.
Blu-ray (HD) € 20,-
DVD (Standard) € 15,-
+ postage/Porto: € 2,- Germany / € 4,- world-wide
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