Proboscidea and Dicyphini: An example of spontaneous mutualism
by a population of predatory bugs inhabiting a sticky plant.
Siegfried R. H. Hartmeyer and Irmgard Hartmeyer • Germany •
Keywords: Dicyphus errans, Miridae, mutualism, Proboscidea, Ibicella, Martyniaceae, Byblidaceae, Droseraceae, Roridulaceae, arthropods, Devil’s Claw.
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A population of the mirid-bug Dicyphus errans (Miridae) a species occurring in Europe, colonized a group of Devil’s Claw (Proboscidea louisianica subsp. fragrans
(Martyniaceae)) native to the USA and cultivated in a garden in
Germany. More than 20 individuals of these predatory bugs have been
found living and moving freely on these sticky plants, feeding on stuck
victims, while garden ants (Lasius
spp. (Hymenoptera)) trying to place aphids for “sugar
farming” became captured together with their “productive
livestock”, as do small flies and bees. The observations on this
spontaneous mutualism between the American Devil’s Claw and a
small mosquito-like European mirid-bug has been recorded on video
(Hartmeyer 2022). This constitutes an additional example for the
adaptation of these ubiquitous predatory bugs to feed on the prey of
sticky plants that would usually capture small-sized insects. The
American Frank Obregon (2017), who found native mirid-bugs on his
cultivated Roridula (Roridulaceae) in California, called the phenomenon assisted carnivory, which fits quite nicely. Proboscidea as well as Roridula
do not produce digestive enzymes, so they cannot benefit directly from
their diverse captured prey. But as soon as predatory bugs colonize the
plants and feed on the sticking prey, their droppings provide a
suitable fertilizer to be absorbed by the stomata of the leaf. A
perfect mutualism. In addition, some historic facts on bug-plant
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