The taxonomic relevance of Naphthoquinones in tropical pitcher plants (Nepenthes L., Nepenthaceae)
Jan Schlauer, Andreas Wistuba, Siegfried R. H. Hartmeyer and Irmgard Hartmeyer.
Keywords: Nepenthes, phytochemistry, naphthoquinones, chemotaxonomy.
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The distribution of the naphthoquinones ramentaceone and plumbagin was studied among
50 taxa of the genus Nepenthes.
Naphthoquinone patterns support classifications based on homology of
plastid and/or nuclear genes to some extent, with plumbagin predominant
in sections Nepenthes, Urceolatae, Tentaculatae, and Regiae, ramentaceone predominant in sections Insignes and Villosae, and both isomers present without clear predominance in sections Pyrophytae and Montanae.
Only 9 of 96 studied species contained both isomers in the same plant.
Naphthoquinone data from artificial hybrids of known parentage allowed
conclusions on the biosynthesis of these compounds and the heredity of
the respective enzymatic steps.
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